Jul 2, 2013

Our Ambition by Othman Alibrahim | طموحنا للمنشد عثمان الإبراهيم

طموحنا غدنا والوعد والأمل
Our aspiration is our future along with hope and promise
طموحنا جيل إلى العلا يصل
Our ambition is to create a generation to reach the high and above
طموح نادينا بالأخلاق يبنينا
Ambition of our club is to build our morals
صرح ومدرسة بيت يربينا
It is a structure,school and house raising us
صلاتنا أماننا طريق جنتنا
Prayer is our guardian; A way to paradise
وذكرنا لربنا سبيل فرحتنا
and remembering our God is the way to happiness
حبيبنا قرآننا والله غايتنا
Quran is our beloved book and Allah is our destination
والخير في قلوبنا والصدق مبدأنا
Goodness in our heart and honest is our principle
بالوالدين لنا رفق وإحسان
We are dutiful and kind to our parents
لأن برهما للفوز عنوان
because their good treatment is the title of success
كشمس عالمنا للناس نبتسم
just) as the sun of the world we smile to people)
من أجل أمتنا كالعقد ننتظم
for the sake of our "Ummah" we will arrange like pearl necklace
طموح نادينا بالأخلاق يبنينا
Ambition of our club is to build our morals
صرح ومدرسة بيت يربينا
It is a structure,school and house raising us
صلاتنا أماننا طريق جنتنا
Prayer is our guardian. A way to paradise.
وذكرنا لربنا سبيل فرحتنا
and remembering our God is the way to happiness
حبيبنا قرآننا والله غايتنا
Quran is our beloved book and Allah is our destination
والخير في قلوبنا والصدق مبدأنا
Goodness in our heart and honest is our principle
تقودنا همم تسودنا قيم
Determinations drive us. values master us
والبذل شيمتنا والجود والكرم
Giving is our nature with generosity and hospitality
بيض صحائفنا خضر صنائعنا
Our pages (history) are white, our achievements are green
لله وجهتنا بالله نعتصم
Allah is our destination and we are holding fast his way

1 comment:

  1. Bismillah,

    Please, would you like to post arabic lyric and englist translation from this link


    I have search on the internet and not find it until this time.

    Jazakallahu khayran katsiiran.
