Jul 6, 2013

In a Journey by AbdulAziz Abdulghani | في رحلة للمنشد عبد العزيز عبد الغني

مسافر مع القرآن  "A Journey with Quran" is a TV show by Shaikh Fahad Alkandari

في رحلة تطوي الدروب
In a journey to everywhere

بين المدائن والشعوب
Between cities and nations

بحضرة الذكر الحكيم
In the presence of  the wise Remembrance  (i.e.: Quran)

وحدنا رب القلوب
The Lord of all hearts has unified us

ولحفظ آيات الكتاب
And for the sake of memorizing verses of that book

هاقد أتينا كل باب
We have knocked every doors

نمضي على درب الصواب
We are shall continue in the righteous path

من قبل أن تجلو الخطوب
Before things come to the end 

How Happy by Abdulrahman Alkandari | ما أسعد الحفاظ للمنشد عبدالرحمن الكندري

This nasheed is from TV program called "Traveler with the Quran" by Shaick Fahad Alkandari

إن الجبال الشاهقات على المدى***  تخشعن عند تلاوة القرآن
 If the Quran has been recited over a high mountain, that mountain will be submissive and humbled

فاحفظ كتاب الله تحفظ دائماً  ***  ما أسعد الحفاظ فى الأزمان
So memorize the book of Allah to be always saved
How happy are those who have memorized it

          قرآن فجر يا أخي مشهود  ***  والخير في صفحاته معقود      
The morning recitation is certainly witnessed, O my brother
And the goodness is within its pages

فاحرص على القرآن لا تبخل به *** فالخير دوماً للورى مردود
So hold tight with Quran, don't be keep its knowledge
and remember that good deeds are always come back

ارتق لأنك حافظ يا مسلما *** ارتق إلى الفردوس تلق المنعما
"Ascend", because you are "hafiz" oh Muslim
"Ascend" to heaven to your God

ارتق فإنك قد تعبت بحفظه *** وعملت فيه عاملاً ومعلماً
"Ascend" as you worked so hard to memorize it, *
Applied it in your life and taught it to others.

*Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and ascend as you recited in the world. Verily, your rank is determined by the last verse you recite.” Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2914

Jul 5, 2013

Beats of Happiness by Omar al Sindi | نبض السعد للمنشد عمر السندي

في غمرة بهجتنا هنو يلا الي تحبون
Let's Congratulate our beloveds in the midst of these delightful moments

في حزة هالأعياد وش باقي غير الأعياد
There is nothing left but happiness of Eids ;It's time for Eid

والعيد شرف بالحب الله يحييه
Eid has arrived with love; may Allah bless this Eid

مادمنا مع بعضنا دامت مساعيد
As long as were together, happiness will never end

فيه الفرحة معهودة افرح وانسى أحزانك
It's an occasion of great happiness, (so) be happy and forget your griefs

فيه الضحكة معسولة عليها داعبها بكل اشجانك
Everyone laugh harmoniously, and convey your joys

ردد كلمة منشودة عيد مبارك بالحانك
Repeat the words of this nesheed "Eid Mubarak" with melodies

خلي العيد بحلوله فرحة وسما لخلانك
Make the arrival of this Eid a sky full of joy for your friends

ماللضيقه والأحزان في هالجو مكانه
Sadness has no place in Eid

وقت الضيم والونات راح وولى زمانه
Time of stress and worry are gone and won't return

نبض السعد والبسمات حل وأعلن أوانه
Time of "smiles" and "celebrations" announced its coming

فرحة عيد فيه تزيد وتتفاخر في كيانه
The joy of Eid will increase the joy inside all of us

حبل الود يجمعنا في عيد السعادة
Ropes of love gather  us in this Happy Eid

طيف احبابنا نور والي غايب نناده
Shades of our beloved are lighting and absents are also invited .

قل للضحكة الحلوة علي الصوت بزيادة
Tell this sweet laughter to be louder and louder

لاتغيبين عسى نغماتك بعيد الهنا عادة
I hope you never pass away and your joyful tone becomes a habit on every Eid

A wounded Scream by Mohammad Almugait | صرخة مكلومة للمنشد محمد المقيط

من البهو هبت رياح هباء ** فطار القصيد يحاكي الهواء
A strong wind blew from the (cellar, underground) and it blows away my poems

رياح السموم وكف الغيوم ** تنادي تنادي ألا من جلاء
Dusty winds and heavy clouds are calling over and over : “ is there any salvation? ”

فشرٌّ يحاك لكم أمّتي ** يريد الفناء ورب السماء
An evil is planed behind you my aims to destroy you my ummah, I swear by the Lord of the heavens

فيا أمّتي انصتوا واسمعوا ** فجل الأمور بدت في خفاء
Oh my Ummah listen carefully because everything looks vague

قنابلهم كالسموم تدار ** فما من صدوق وما من إخاء
Their bombs are thrown like poisons over us and we have no sincere or honest friend

 بني حصاد الرصاص أتاه ** فما من مغيث ولامن عزاء
My son was shot at " Bullets harvest" ( in cold blood ) with no one to comfort or console me

أبي يارحيم كشربة ماء ** طعنت -فطوبى -ولامن شقاء
Oh my kind father they stabbed you just as one drinks a sip of water (with no emotions; cold heart) Tuba ( a tree in Jannah ) is your home where there's no misery

 واميَ -أمي كفاك بكاء ** فدينك يعلو وكل هراء
Oh my mother stop crying your religion is rising up and everything else will go vain

وعرضي استبيح وما من رجاء ** سوى بإلهي مجيب الدعاء
And (since) my honor was violated I'm beseeching (my) Lord, who will answer my Dua

رضيعي تمزق صوت الإباء ** فكل يردد صوت الغناء
Oh my (young) child, the sound of pride is torn everyone are (busy) singing melodies (songs)

وليلى تصيح بكم دنسوا ** كرامتكم أيها الأغبياء
Layla is shouting unto you : "your dignity is desecrated oh morons!"

لساني سليم وقلبي كليم ** وعينيّ صارت كفيّ السقاء
My tongue is fine but my heart is wounded and my eyes have become like a mouth of water pitcher

أئـن طويلا ومامن دواء ** فقومي -صاروا-كما الببغاء
I mourn for long with no cure, for my folks turn into parrots

فهلّا حلولٌ تعيد السليب ** وأين الصمود وأين الإباء
Are there any solutions to get our rights back ? Where's resistance ?  Where's pride?

ونحن ننام كأهل الرقيم ** وفي غفلةٍ قد يحل البلاء
While we are sleeping like the "people of cave" and trial may come (to us) in sudden

وأرجوا الإله يزيل العناء ** ويرسل جندا كديم السماء
I'm asking Allah to end this suffering and send down His soldiers (angel) as (many) as rain drops

ليعلوا الكتاب ويخبوا سواه ** وينصر جنداٌ ألحوا الدعاء
To rise the Quran up and wane others (books) and to grant victory to the soldiers who insist in their Dua

Omar Alfarouk by Mishari Alafasy | عمر الفاروق للمنشد مشاري العفاسي

سلاما ياعمر الفاروق ... سلاما ياعمر الفاروق
Peace on you , Oh Omar Al-Farouk
Peace on you , Oh Omar Al-Farouk

حكمت عدلت أمنت فنمت رسيخ البال
You've ruled with fair then you've been safe , after that you slept with a firm mind
بمثلك نستصغر نجما وذرا وجبال
 With a person like you , we disdain stars ,lands and mountains

ولولا أثر النور لقلنا كنت خيال
If it wasn't for the trace of light we would've said you were a fantasy !

سلاما ياعمر الفاروق ... سلاما ياعمر الفاروق
Peace on you , Oh Omar Al-Farouk
Peace on you , Oh Omar Al-Farouk

تهلل وجه نبيك يوم هداك الله
Your prophet's face were jubilate when Allah guided you
وكم أيدت الحق وكم وافقك الله
How many times you supported the truth and how many times Allah agreed with you !

أعز الله بك الاسلام ورضى الله
Allah raised Islam above all by you and Allah were pleased  

سلاما ياعمر الفاروق ... سلاما ياعمر الفاروق
Peace on you , Oh Omar Al-Farouk
Peace on you , Oh Omar Al-Farouk

ملأت الارض بعدلك وفتحت الأمصار
You filled earth with justice and you conquered lands
وقلت بحق الناس لقد ولدوا أحرار
And you've said about people's rights " They were born free ! "

وهابتك الدنيا وهابتك الدنيا
The whole world respected you
The whole world respected you

وهابتك الدنيا يا زهدا شع وطال
The whole world respected you ,You asceticism have shined on all ,and said ;

Bab Alnas by Mohammad Alabdullah | باب الناس للمنشد محمد العبدالله

لا من باب الناس من دونك انصك
If people close their doors in front of you

ما صك بابه رب طيبة و مكة
(then know that ) His door never closes , The lord of "Taibah" and "Makkah"

في جود جوده انتبه يلحقك شك
Don't ever doubt his endless generosity

ما يوم بابه دون راجي يصكه
Allah's Door is open to anyone beseeching Him

ارفع يديك و قدمك الباب ينفك
Raise your hands ( by dua ) and the door will be opened to you

ما خاب من يدعي من دون شكّه
He won't disappoint anyone who prays without doubting ( His response )

الخلق لو مرة فتح بابها لك
If people opened their doors to you once

لابد يومٍ قدم وجهك تصكّه
( Then )  one day they will shut those doors in your face

لا من كررت الطلب صابها تك
When you repeat asking them, they will get annoyed and conceited

خطرن تقول لخادم القوم دكّه
It will make you afraid to ask them even for a little help

حتى من الحاحك ورجواك تفتك
And to rid of this need and indignity

وتقول بأعلى الصّوت ياناس فكّة
You may just want to shout out : " I don't need people anymore!"

والرب بابه دون راجيه مالك
But Allah's Door is always near to you

يغضب على اللي مادعاه ويظكّه
And He becomes upset when you don't ask him

لامن همّك في خفى خافقك دك
If a distress is beating in a hidden place of your heart

دعوات تالي الليل عنك تفكه
( Then ) midnight prayer is the key of releasing it

يالله وكل الكون يا خالقه لك
Ya Allah , the One Who the entire universe belongs to

و انت الذي تقدر بلحظه تدكّه
And You are the One Who can demolish it in a moment !

هيّء لنا من جود جودك و بارك
Grant us from Your generosity and blessings

واجعل لنا في وجهة الخير سكّة
And guide us to a path which leads to the right destination