May 27, 2014

Our Thoughts by Majed AlZubaidi | خواطرنا للمنشد ماجد الزبيدي

This is a cover of "Khawater Season 8" song. "Khawater" or "Thoughts" is a popular show runs during Ramadan and presented by Ahmad Alshugairy.
Finally someone make its song without music ")

لو يشكو القلب هموماً قد باتت فيه
If you complain about sadness resides within your heart

تمحوها بسمة طفل حين نلاقيه

You can wipe it away by putting a smile on child's face

ما أجمله قلب يحمل هم أخيه
How beautiful the heart is when it cares about a brother's concern

في العسر له يسر في الحزن يواسيه
In hard time it becomes a relief , In times of grief it consoles

كن عوناً للناس دوماً
Always be a helper for other

تنادينا خواطرنا
Our "Thoughts" motivate us

أجيال تحلم يوماً بعلا الأوطان
Generations dream to develop their countries

وشباب يحمل أملاً لبني الإنسان
And youth has hope for all the humanity

نبني المجد لنرقى وليقوى البنيان
We build our glory to be better and stronger

كن بالناس رحيما مد يد الإحسان
Be merciful to people, Give them a hand of kindness

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